Remember learning cursive in elementary school and hearing about how you would need to know cursive in middle school because they don't let you print? Yeah, that was a lie. But typing is something that is increasingly important, what with laptops, the fact that nearly everything is on the Internet, etc. etc. So I think that typing should be a priority in academia.
I learned how to type in the sixth grade in a computer enrichment class that used the Mavis Beacon program. That was probably one of the most simple and helpful programs, and I'm sure it still is, with its upgrades and later editions.
Another site I stumbled across is BBC's "typing school," an online typing school geared toward children ages 7 and older, featuring brightly colored sea animals and a "dance mat."
I had no idea that the BBC had all kinds of schools, aimed at pre-schoolers, grade-schoolers and high schoolers. There is a wide array of subjects, too, from science and literacy to business and art.

(Photo from BBC's schools homepage)
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