Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More on OCILE

Schools, parents and even students who are interested in the Off-Campus Outdoor Learning Experience programs can visit the San Diego County Office of Education's Web site for more information on the program.

Information about sixth-grade camps at Camp Cuyamaca and Camp Fox are available, as well as a program brochurean essay contest entry form (to win scholarship money) and information on how teacher can earn four units of university credits for participating in the OCILE programs.

For more information on any questions or comments regarding the OCILE programs, see the staff directory.

OCILE programs at San Diego Zoo and Balboa Park

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Technology ideas for teachers

It's no surprise that technology has crept into the lives of nearly everyone in Western civilization and beyond. And, increasingly, children are often outsmarting their parents when it comes to computer programs and cell phones. Wacona Elementary school in Georgia has its own Web site -- not very common for San Diego schools -- and has a specific page that focuses on what technology-related activities teachers can teach to their elementary schools.

These ideas include a "Smart Board," a kind of host where students can share their PowerPoint creations with each other, Web Quests, inquiry-oriented lessons on the Web, top-10 lists for teachers, how to teach students to take digital photos, make Web pages and more.

Fire in Oceanside

Last night, a fire -- whose causes are still under investigation -- set off a two-alarm blaze at San Rafael Elementary School in Oceanside, Calif. The school has been closed since 2006 because of declining enrollment and fears that the campus would not survive an earthquake.

It's interesting that a school that's been closed for two years is still standing, vacant rather than being turned into something else or sold. I'm sure Oceanside could sell the land to private ownership (unless that's not what they want to do), and I realize it's expensive to bring a school up to standards or turn the campus into some other city-owned venue, but having an abandoned school just seems creepy.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Typing whatever you want

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New museum for kids

In honor of the New Children's Museum's official Web site's color scheme and my upcoming classroom presentation on how to use HTML to spruce up your blog (when the tools aren't working or you don't feel like using them) this post will be in pink.

The New Children's Museum in San Diego will replace the former Children's Museum/Museo de los Ninos San Diego (wonder why the new name doesn't include /Nuevo?).

The mantra of the museum is to inspire kids to think, play and create. The museum will provide field trips, classes and camps. For information on such activities, the Web site directs you to e-mail

Opening day is Sunday, May 4 from noon to 4 p.m. and all opening-day activities are free.

200 West Island Avenue
Downtown San Diego
Corner of Front Street and West Island Avenue